Visual Horizons: A Journey through Innovative Graphic Design


  • Fabio Aldair Fuentes-Reyes Fundación De Estudios Superiores Comfanorte
  • Julián Mauricio Rangel-Mendivelso Fundación De Estudios Superiores Comfanorte
  • Blanca Mery Rolón-Rodríguez Fundación De Estudios Superiores Comfanorte


Digital environment, Micro interactions, professionalism, social networks.


In this exhaustive article, the impact of innovative graphic design is thoroughly investigated, exploring everything from its fundamental objectives to its deep conceptualization. The research focuses on unraveling the current dimensions and implications of this approach, highlighting its influence on aesthetics, user experience and effective communication in a visually saturated environment. Conceptually, it involves the bold adoption of new technologies and interdisciplinary collaboration, thereby redefining visual creativity and its impact on human interaction. The evolution of graphic design is addressed from Sheila Pontis's research approach to visual culture, design ethics and user relevance. The psychology of creativity, factors in the act of creating, the relationship between creativity and technology, and the contribution of neuroscience to the understanding of human creativity are explored. The importance of the emotional impact of graphic design is highlighted and the question is raised whether it is possible to achieve similar results with exclusively graphic elements. The article concludes by highlighting the ability of innovative graphic design to transcend the aesthetic, entering the emotional sphere and redefining visual creativity. Ultimately, the fascinating search for sustainable solutions and the integration of emerging technologies are highlighted as distinctive elements of this approach.






