Guía para Minimizar la Contaminación en los Espacios Públicos y Turísticos de la Ciudad de Cúcuta


  • Maryi Dayana Benavides-Arevalo Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte
  • Karen Dayana Sanchez-Alvarez Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte
  • Yaudi Alejandra Morales-Morantes Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte
  • Juan Diego Caballero-Granados Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte
  • Darwin Cardozo Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte


Pollution, Waste, Environmental education, Ecosystems, Diseases.


We have explored the various facets of pollution that threaten the well-being of our city. From air pollution clouding our vision to water and soil pollution seeping into the foundations of our heritage, each issue highlights the urgency of the situation. We cannot afford to be passive spectators to this reality that, if not addressed, could take away the very essence of what makes Cucuta a unique place.

However, all is not lost; In fact, we are at a crucial moment where our actions can make a difference. Understanding the issues is the first step, but it is active community engagement that will define the destiny of our city. Preserving the treasure that is Cucuta requires more than simple reflections; It demands decisive and sustained action.

We propose concrete measures to address this threat. From encouraging recycling to promoting sustainable transportation, these are not just suggestions on paper, but tangible tools that can reverse the course of pollution. Education, as a cornerstone, can be the spark that lights the flame of citizen consciousness, inspiring a cultural change that lasts over time.

Citizen participation, collaboration with companies and institutions, and the effective implementation of government policies are essential gears in the transformation machinery. Every individual, every company, every organization and every institution has a vital role in this symphony of change.






