Analysis of the competencies of the agroindustrial engineer's graduate profile


  • Dagoberto Lozano Rivera Universidad Popular del Cesar, Cesar, Colombia
  • Héctor Camilo Alvernia Verjel Universidad Popular del Cesar, Cesar, Colombia
  • Julio Enrique Ortega Carrascal Universidad Popular del Cesar, Cesar, Colombia
  • Zunilde Suárez Arias Universidad Popular del Cesar, Cesar, Colombia


self-evaluation, peer-evaluation, competences, graduation, profile


The purpose of the study was to analyze the competencies of the agroindustrial engineer's graduation profile, carried out from the perspective of their knowledge and skills, and is framed in research with a qualitative, exploratory approach, with a flexible design. The coordinators, administrative staff of the Study Control area of ​​a higher education entity and graduates were part of the population under study, which were selected as intentional sampling in this study. The data collection instrument was a semi-structured record or guidelines guide, to summarize the information obtained from semi-structured interviews. The interpretation of the results was carried out through the content analysis of the information collected. It was concluded that, in general, academic tasks and content are developed under university prototypes; however, university participants, after graduation, do not always demonstrate the skills necessary for their performance, which prevents them from achieving the desired professional development. In consideration of the conclusions, it was recommended, for universities, to generate review and co-evaluation actions of the curricular profile in order to improve and update it, and for graduates, to produce a self-assessment seeking to deduce their own hard and soft competencies in order to offer their work as a value-added product.


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How to Cite

Lozano Rivera, D., Alvernia Verjel, H. C., Ortega Carrascal, J. E., & Suárez Arias, Z. (2023). Analysis of the competencies of the agroindustrial engineer’s graduate profile. Mundo FESC Journal, 13(27). Retrieved from



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